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ANNA UNIVERSITY. CE-6411 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL. OBJECTIVE: To expose the students to the testing of different material under the action of various forces and. ME8381-Strength of Materials Lab Manual Prof.S.Sathishkumar Edition. k.s.sathish kumar > 23-12-2019, 11:56 AM. [Image: Anna_University_Logo.png]. both the strength and ductility of the material. Several engineering materials have to withstand impact or suddenly applied loads while in service. Impact. (R18A0383) STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LAB. Course Objectives: 1. To determine experimental data include universal testing machines and torsion equipment. The experiments described in this laboratory manual have the following general purposes: To study the behavior of various engineering materials through material Percentage reduction in area. APPARATUS: 1. Universal Testing Machine (UTM). 2. Mild steel specimens. 3. Graph paper. 4 Subject Name : CE 6315Laboratory : STRENGTH OF MATERIALS LABExperiment : FINDING HARDNESS
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